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Technical Specifications (BOLTs)
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BOLT #0: Introduction and Index

Welcome, friend! These Basis of Lightning Technology (BOLT) documents describe a layer-2 protocol for off-chain bitcoin transfer by mutual cooperation, relying on on-chain transactions for enforcement if necessary.

Some requirements are subtle; we have tried to highlight motivations and reasoning behind the results you see here. I'm sure we've fallen short; if you find any part confusing or wrong, please contact us and help us improve.

This is version 0.

BOLT #1: Base Protocol

BOLT #2: Peer Protocol for Channel Management

BOLT #3: Bitcoin Transaction and Script Formats

BOLT #4: Onion Routing Protocol

BOLT #5: Recommendations for On-chain Transaction Handling

BOLT #7: P2P Node and Channel Discovery

BOLT #8: Encrypted and Authenticated Transport

BOLT #9: Assigned Feature Flags

BOLT #10: DNS Bootstrap and Assisted Node Location

BOLT #11: Invoice Protocol for Lightning Payments